Hey everyone. It has been a while since we have posted anything. There really isn't any exscuse seeing as winter is much less hectic than summer time. Back at Congress Gabby and I participated in AIRE. We both won National trips and I have already attended mine! I had so much fun! The people I met from all over were amazing. Our state delegates made everything memorable. Being in Atlanta, GA, and having the first plane ride of my life, everythig we did was an adventure or experience. When we were all tired, things were just as lively.
The entire NC delegation
Saying goodbye to NC out the airplane window. Off for an adventure in GA!
On the plane!
One of the first assemblies we attended. Left to Right:
Emily, Faith, me, Anna Marie, Cynthia... Back: Sophie... Front: Anna
Riding the marta and the airport train thing. Cynthia! :) You were amazing to us on this trip.
The biggest escalator. Ever.
Mr. Theron a.k.a. our tour guide. He gave us the rules and secrets of surviving on our own ;)
Okay, these are notes I found while going through my suitcase all week. I love my family!!
My job? Keep the state suite stocked with good food! Faith and Anna were great partners in this.
It was my first taxi ride! And it scared me to death.
The girl in the blue shirt was from England and she was so much fun.
Sophie and I
haha had to add that second one in there with Nathan in the back.
We were on top of the food court part of the hotel (outside)
Looking down
It wasn't curfew time yet... but everything was closed. So what did we do?
Took pictures in glass walls... played on escalators to see how far apart our feet could be.
The Metro Cafe. The had some seriously large pieces of cake there!
International night. The food from all over the country was amazing! And all the props were very unexpected
The first dance of the week. Needless to say all us NCers were loving the dance!
The week was full of great speakers. This was a holocaust speaker who survived, and his story was heartbreaking.
Dr. Theron, Mrs. Vannette, Mrs. Cynthia, and Mrs. Mitzi were our leaders for the week. They made reservations for us to eat at this awesome restraunt called Fire of Brazil. It was an experience to remember!
This was our evening of history! we were able to do a scavenger hunt around the history museum as well as talk to people around. The man in the black was a hospital clown. he juggled and so much more! His job was to entertain the hospital children long enough to get the shot in the arm. very neat :)
oh this was my highlight of the night!! This was a bluegrass band called Cedar Hill. Along with their great music, they were very entertaining. They sent out a song to us NC girls.
In the middle of their performance, they started rapping bluegrass songs.
This was the bass player
The whole group, and the banjo player and I
This is Cedar Hill, me, and Hannah
For our community service project, I went to Boyd elementary school and helped this amazing teacher with her 1st grade class. Those kids were so sweet and the teacher was great also! i loved it.
The Varsity claims itself as the largest drive in. To see all the well known places around Atlanta was very different than here in NC
The view of Atlanta from the street.
On our free day, we toured the coke museum. This was the NC delegation from L-R
Anna Marie, me, Hope, Emily, Sophie, Gabrielle, Anna, Nathan, Chris, Hannah, Caroline
Not pictured was Laura, Faith, and Sarah, Cynthia, Mitzi, Vannette, and Theron.
World of Coke
They had hundreds of flavors to try from all over the world!!! gingerbread flavored too.
The three of us decided to watch the 3D movie with chairs that poke you in the back. Cynthia, Sophie, and me
On the way back to the hotel, we walked through Olympic Park where the Olympics had been held
The Westin Tower is a hotel, as restraunt, and a 60 some floor building with a glass elevator we rode in. It was breathtaking! Great picture opportunity
The building with the blue circle was our hotel. (it looks so small!!)
I love this picture
After our free day in the city, we hurried back to the hotel to get dolled up for our big dinner and dance. Before the dinner, I was invited to a pre dinner where I met with the sponsors and donors of National Congress.
The NC luggage packed up and ready to hit the air

ylBefore we left, we had 1 more speaker. An author of chicken soup for the soul, and he was also an insperational speaker.
Going to a National event, you meet people from all over!! Hawaii, Peurto Rico, Kansas, Texas... and Pennsylvania.
Every state flag lined up on stage
This was leaving the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Atlanta GA. Our home away from home. It is also us eating at Chili's in the airport... awaiting our flight and preparing to depart from all our NC 4-Hers who had different flights.
I thought this was so neat... On the way home, out the plane window, we couldnt see much because of the clouds. If you can tell, clouds are on the top, and on the bottom. They blue strip... is sky.
Videos taken while going up the glass elevator.We saw Atlanta from the ground, and from up high
Thank you for everyone who made this trip possible for me!! I had a blast and learned so much.
Anna .V.